
We are driven by a simple yet powerful belief that customers want three fundamental things:

  1. A great selection of plants: From rare specimens to classic favorites, we curate a diverse and captivating collection that caters to every plant enthusiast's tastes.

  2. Low prices: We're committed to breaking the mould by offering affordability without compromising quality. Your dream garden shouldn't come with a hefty price tag, and we help make sure of it.

  3. Swift and seamless delivery: Time is of the essence, and we understand the eagerness to welcome your new green companions. Our commitment to fast delivery ensures that your plants arrive promptly, ready to transform your space.



Hey plant friends,

Our story as a business is a journey of resilience, growth, and, of course, the enduring love for plants. In the face of adversity during the initial stages of the pandemic, we stood firm, refusing to succumb to the short-sighted practices of opportunistic businesses. As the last echoes of pandemic-born enterprises fade away, we stand tall, proving that integrity and community-building are the keys to sustainable success.

Reflecting on the tumultuous times of 2020 and 2021, we witnessed a rush of temporary solutions like 'pop-up plant shops' and 'door-to-door deliveries.' While they served a purpose, we foresaw that these models wouldn't withstand the test of time. Our commitment to authenticity and fair practices propelled us to be different, to be Plant Friends.

Now, four years down the line, we're not just surviving; we're thriving. The world is rediscovering its connection to nature, and our community is at the forefront of this green revolution. We are more than just a business; we are the heartbeat of a community that shares a profound love for plants and the environment.

Plant Friends isn't merely about sharing horticultural information; it's about fostering connections. Our deliberate choice of the name emphasizes the bond we share with each other and with the botanical wonders that grace our homes. We've evolved beyond being a business; our community across various social platforms are a sanctuary for plant enthusiasts, a sanctuary for those seeking meaningful connections in a world that often feels disconnected.

Welcome aboard our growing community, where the love for plants transcends transactional exchanges. Together, we're cultivating more than just gardens; we're nurturing friendships, fostering knowledge, and weaving a tapestry of green that unites us all.

Join us as we continue to grow, thrive, and redefine what it means to be Plant Friends.

With green regards,

Pete @ Plant Friends